
An array of emotions,
Entangled by primordial wounds
And a longing for control,
Of this cursed life
Demolishes my very being.

My once unequivocal thoughts
Were left to waver,
To teeter on the edge of existence
Until they became despondent,
Like my very soul.

My enduring shelter,
And my unyielding security,
Fell victim to this entity
And as both forces collide within me
I'm coerced into their obscurities

I struggle to remain,
While they quarrel over my possession
A rag doll to their domination
I the defendant,
Wait to hear the verdict

And as the struggles remain
And as my battles grow in numbers
Time in this abominable life
Makes my body become weak and indolent
Under the never ending pressure

Pressures to fall into the darkness
Pressures to collapse in their constraints
Pressures to endure all hardships
Pressures to reinforce all strengths
Pressures to put my pulverized pieces
Back together

-Nicole Briand

Individual Survival

Poverty, a constant battle.
It's a fight to live.
It's a fight for survival.

Survival, a way of life.
A battle to live.
A fight for freedom.

Freedom, a sense of ability.
The knowledge that you
can speak your mind.

A mind, a brainy device.
A tool used for thinking.
A device that makes us

Individual, a statement of diversity.
A statement that separates
Us from a crowd.

A crowd, a body of people.
A group of people who battle for freedom,
with the knowledge that they are diverse


-Nicole Briand

The Escape

Memories escape
They flutter and flake
Leaving you behind
Downing in a lake

Murky waters
At a midnight stay
Like a stick on water
Your mind floats away
-Nicole Briand

The Luxury of Life

Living moment to moment is a luxury because not everybody has it, not everybody acts on it, and not everybody has the time to realize life's slendor...
then as we become old, this luxury of living moment to moment blurs out because of more responsibility, more priorities and other people who depend on us...
so now is the time, and that you can enjoy freedom is a luxury...
that youll allow yourself to enjoy it is a gift.
-Nicole Briand